Monday, April 29, 2013

If You Can't Fix The Problem, Feed It


This article is in regards to House Bill 3206. If this bill is passed, it will allow the state to issue two-year driving permits to people who can pass an exam as well as a background check - regardless of immigration status. This is a prime example of the American way of working around things rather than actually attempting to fix them. Before I begin, let me just explain that I am in no way, shape or form supporting a ridiculous "unsurpassable" fence or closing the borders off to anyone who isn't "from" here. I believe proposals of that nature along with House Bill 3206 are either far right or left levels of ridiculous. I personally believe that anyone from any country should have the opportunity like we, as American citizens, all have had within this land that didn't originally belong to us. I do however think that in order to gain that opportunity, people need to go through the proper procedures. The government should most definitely make the process cheaper, faster and more efficient overall so that people actually have a reasonable opportunity to do so, considering we all know they would. However, it is illegal to enter this country without permission and I do not think we should be catering to it. If the process to become a legal citizen is close to impossible, but you can come over here illegally and get a drivers license and free healthcare, what is the motivation for anyone to do it correctly? Dancing around this issue to see who can bring the most conservative or liberal idea to the table obviously isn't working. If the process was made easier and cheaper we would all benefit in the long run. There are hard-working people who would be excellent additions to this country who literally risk their lives attempting to get here and the states just start promoting it. The process is so difficult that people actually pay criminals to sneak them across the border. Should we start paying for their gas or maybe a mobile mechanic just in case they have any car trouble? Making it a better deal for someone to break the law is ridiculous. We need to fix the problem and allow people who want to work come and work and start paying taxes. We also need to stop losing money in one political parties favor. 

1 comment:

Jessica Flippen said...

In response to "If you can't fix the problem, feed it", I could not agree more or put this article in better words. I believe that it is harder to become an American citizen than it has to be and it gives people who aren't American more incentive to go against the law to have a chance in our country. If the process to become an American citizen was easier, then there wouldn't be such a problem or controversy over people crossing the border or coming over illegally, lots of issues would be solved by just making the process easier. If immigration status didn't matter to get a driver's license, then why is it so hard to actually become a citizen? You would think to help both issues that the government would find a compromise to allow immigrants to obtain a driver's license if they are able to prove that they are in the process of becoming a citizen. I believe this would be a great solution instead of just being lazy and bypassing the system. And I agree with the statement " Making it a better deal for someone to break the law is ridiculous. We need to fix the problem and allow people who want to work come and work and start paying taxes." Why would anyone want to do it the right way when they can get what they want cheaper and easier where they don't have to obey the law? I could not agree more with this article and I believe that the government should look into how their rulings will come across to Texan citizens, as it will affect our daily life if this bill is passed.